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关于公主世界 The Princess World优秀英语作文

每个人写作文都有思绪万千的时候,你一定希望自己写作的时候行如流水。行如流水的作文是怎样写出来的?执笔作文网为你推荐《关于公主世界 The Princess World优秀英语作文》,希望能帮助到学习的你!

When I was very small, my father told me that I was a princess. I was really happy about it and felt proud of myself. My father taught me that way the princess walked and talked. I remembered it and acted very politely. As I grow up, I am so thankful to my father, because he created a wonderful world for me.



关于童话 Fairy Tale优秀英语作文

Since I was very small, I always asked my parents to read me the fairy tale before I slept. So I can have a good dream. In the dream, I made friends with many animals, and we explored the world together. During the trip, I became stronger. When I woke up, I remembered the dreams and had the courage to overcome the problem from life.


关于雪景 Snow Scenery优秀英语作文

Before I come to visit my uncle in the winter, I never see snow in my life. When it snows, the sky is full of white things that falling into the ground first, I feel so excited about this scenery. As the snow comes heavy, I can play snow with my cousins. We make the snowman and decorate it with funny facial expression.

