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以读到的书 The Book I Read为题的作文

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Recently, I read a book about a girl sees her future after she learns the alien’s language. Her future life has happiness and sorrow. Since she could foresee, she learns to accept what will happen in her life. If I could see my future, and I can’t change the fact, but I will enjoy every minute of my life.



以我爱红色 I Love Red为题的作文

Most parents like their children to dress in red, but their children refuse, because they think red is too obvious. For me, I like dressing in red, which makes me look full of vitality and beautiful. Red presents life and vitality in Chinese culture. When the New Year is coming, people will dress in red to show happiness.


以梦想 Dream 为题的作文

When I was very small, I had always heard many stories from my uncle, because he traveled a lot. So I have made up my mind. When I grew up, I must travel around the world, which is my biggest dream. In order to realize my dream, the first thing for me to do is to master English well, so I spend many hours to learn. I can realize my dream some day.


以湖 The Lake为题的作文

There is a small lake in my hometown, which is one of my favorite place. I always go to the lake with my friends. We swim and play a lot there. Sometimes we will go boating and enjoy the quiet moment. Now the lake is not that clean because of the pollution. I realize the importance of protecting the environment.


以游记 Travel Diary为题的作文

When my parents take me to another city, I will write down the happy things in my diary. So next time when I read these travel diaries, the happy time will make me think of the beautiful scenery in my life, then I will have the motivation to study. Now I have two travel diaries. These precious experiences make my life wonderful.

