作文 > 英语作文 > 小学英语作文 > 导航 > 有关我的世界 My World英语范文

有关我的世界 My World英语范文

你肯定有写小学英语作文的时候,你一定希望自己写作的时候行如流水。考试中的你面对作文还在手足无措?《有关我的世界 My World英语范文》这篇文章应该会给你一个满意的答案!

The kid in my age likes to hang out for fun, but I am not the one. I like to be quiet, so I always choose to stay in my bedroom. It is my world. I will read some books and enjoy the leisure hour, or sometimes I will watch all kinds of movies. I like the time staying in my bedroom and doing my own stuff.



关于公主世界 The Princess World优秀英语作文

When I was very small, my father told me that I was a princess. I was really happy about it and felt proud of myself. My father taught me that way the princess walked and talked. I remembered it and acted very politely. As I grow up, I am so thankful to my father, because he created a wonderful world for me.


我的哥哥 My Brother 英语范文

There are five people in my family. They are my parents, my brother and I. My brother is two years older than me, and he is a good brother. At home, we always have arguments, but when we are at school, he protects me all the time. So even though he makes me angry sometimes, I will forgive him. He says he will always support me.


我的目标 My Goal英语范文

New semester is coming soon, and I will be a six grade student. I am so excited about the last year of the primary school, so I have made up my mind. I must study hard and improve my English level. I realize master the International language will be useful for me, so I must study it well. I think I can make it.


我的新裙子 My New Dress 英语范文

Today, when I go home after school, my mother tells me that she buys me something. The moment she takes out the present, I feel so happy. It is a piece of beautiful dress. My mother told me before, if I do well in the exam, she would buy me the dress. Now I get it and feel so proud of myself.


有关妈妈的爱 Love From My Mother满分英语作文

I always complain about my mother, because she is very strict to me and I can’t do whatever I want. But some day, when I go home very late, she criticizes me at first and then asks me whether I get hurt. I explain to her that I just play with my friends. My mother loves me so much and she does everything for me.

