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有关我是一名懂事的女孩了 I'm a Big Girl英语范文

万事开头难,小学英语作文亦是如此,你一定是抱着想学习作文技巧的态度来的。那么怎么写出笔酣墨饱的作文呢?《有关我是一名懂事的女孩了 I'm a Big Girl英语范文》这篇文章应该会给你一个满意的答案!

Now I will be in middle school soon, then I realize that I need to grow up. Usually, when I meet troubles, I will ask my parents for help in the first time. But now, I want to solve them by myself. I should try to be independent. I am so happy that I have made big progress. I am a big girl.



有关我发现了什么 What I Have Found 小学英语作文

There is an strange old man who lives near my house. He doesn’t talk much and likes to hang around in the living zone. One day, I saw he searching for something and I was very curious to ask him. He said he was looking for the key. The next day, a boy came to thank the old man for helping him find the key. I find the old man is a nice person.


有关我的世界 My World英语范文

The kid in my age likes to hang out for fun, but I am not the one. I like to be quiet, so I always choose to stay in my bedroom. It is my world. I will read some books and enjoy the leisure hour, or sometimes I will watch all kinds of movies. I like the time staying in my bedroom and doing my own stuff.


有关我的孤独 My Loneliness英语作文

Today, my parents go to have an important meeting with their friends, so they leave me home alone. Though my mother has prepared everything I need, I still feel a little sad. I watch the TV and play computer games, but I feel more and more lonely. I realize I need my parents so much. I must learn to be independent.


作文题为我失信了 I Don't Keep My Words英语范文

Last night, my friends and I made the plan to go out for fun. But early in the morning, I was too tired and couldn’t wake up. So I lied to my friends. I toldl them I was not feeling well, so they came to see me. I felt so bad to break my words. I decided to be honest to them. Since then, I will always keep my words.


那一刻,我长大了 The Moment I Grow Up英语作文

Every child needs his parents when they meet trouble. It is natural for them to find protection. My parents protect me all the time. I can feel their love. But as I grow up, I want to solve problem by myself. When I solve the problem, I feel so proud of myself, and it is the moment I realize that I have grown up.


以小见大 From Small to Big精选英语作文

I am a lazy girl. When my parents ask me to do small things, I will tell them to ignore them, because I think it wastes time, only the big thing deserves me to take action. As I grow up, I realize that the behavior is cultivated by small issues. If I refuse to do the small thing, how can I be a strong girl?


2023最新满分英语作文等我长大了 When I Grow Up

Now I am ten years old, I always wish I can grow up soon, so that I can make my own money. With the money, I can travel around the world and learn a lot of culture. I want to know more about the world. So I have read many books about travel. When I grow up, I can start my journey.


2023最新英语作文盛大的派对 Big Party

Today, my friend was ten years old and his family gave him a big party. He asked me to join his party, which was such a big party. His home was full of balloons. What a lively atmosphere was. We sang the birthday song to him and sent our best wishes. We played funny games and had a great time.


关于我的抉择 The Choice I Make满分英语作文

As the winter holiday is almost ending, I need to finish a lot of homework. But every day my friends come to ask me out and I have no hesitation to play with them all the time. Now, I must control myself and finish my task first. So I start to refuse my friends’ invitation and focus on finishing my homework. I make the right choice.

