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以改变饮食 Change My Diet 为题的作文

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I often used to eat a lot of fast food. KFC and Mcdonald's are my favorite places. As I eat so much junk food, I become fat. Other children sometimes will play jokes on me and I realize the problem, so I decide to lose weight. My mother cook the healthy food for me. After three months, I lose my weight and look like other guys. I am so happy and decide to keep the healthy diet.



作文题为均衡饮食 Balanced Diet 英语作文

As a child, I like to eat all kinds of meat, but I don’t like vegetables. My mother always tries to let me eat some vegetables. She educates me that balanced diet can help me stay healthy. I start to realize the importance of balanced diet, so I try to have vegetable. Later, I find that I fall in love with it, and now vegetable is necessary food for me.


以我的计划 My Plans为题的作文

As the winter holiday is coming soon, I feel very excited and start to make some plans. First of all, I will go back to my hometown and spend some time with my grandparents. They miss me all the time and I miss my grandma’s delicious food. Secondly, my friends and I have planned good activities during Spring Festival. We will have great fun. I love holidays very much.


以我的家乡 My Hometown为题的作文

I live in my hometown for many years before I move to the city. I miss the days when I stay in the countryside. I can see the blue sky and the green trees all the time. Especially the green mountains, they make the world look so lively. Though many years ago people cut down the trees, the green is back to people’s life again with help of the government.

