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激励人心的故事 The Inspiring Stories小学英语作文

万事开头难,小学英语作文亦是如此,细观察与多阅读能提高自己的作文水平。那么怎么写出笔酣墨饱的作文呢?阅完执笔作文网的《激励人心的故事 The Inspiring Stories小学英语作文》你一定能学到许多!

I like to watch movies, especially when I see the inspiring stories, I will feel touched. These stories are good for me. They inspire me to move on when I meet difficulties. The heroes will never give up, and finally, they succeed. So if we want to realize our dreams, we also need to be persistent. Some day, we can make it.



友谊 Friendship小学英语作文

I have a very good friend, and her name is Li Hong. She is a very nice person that she always helps me to solve many problems. So I like to share my secret with her and she promises me to never tell others. The friendship makes me stronger. When I feel sad, I can talk to Li Hong. I wish I can do something for her.


我的父亲 My Father小学英语作文

My father is a classic Chinese father. He doesn't talk much, but I know he loves me so much. One time, I don’t feel liking eating anything because of the hot weather, my father goes out of the house and carry a lot of my favorite snacks. I feel so moved. His love is so strong, I love my father.

