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关于粽子 Zongzi满分英语作文

小学英语作文是我们学习中一定要经历的,而作文是语文写作方面的体现。那么怎么写出笔酣墨饱的作文呢?那么下面是执笔作文网精选的《关于粽子 Zongzi满分英语作文》内容定会对你有所帮助。

Every year, when Dragon Boat Festival comes, people will have their special food-Zongzi. I like to eat Zongzi so much. It is so delicious for me. When I grow up, I start to realize that people in different places have different flavors. The south zone people prefer salty while the north zone prefer sweet. Both are special and favored by me.



有关中式英语 Chinglish满分英语作文

It is known to all that English is the international language that kids need to learn it since they were very small. As many Chinese kids don’t have the chance to talk to foreigners, so they speak the way with Chinese features. Though it is embarrassed, it is better than never speak out loudly. We can learn a lot from making mistakes. Chinglish may be someday the formal English.


关于环境的变化 The Change of Environment满分英语作文

When we go to school, teachers always teach us to protect the environment, so as to protect human being. Today, the environment has been polluted badly. The river in my hometown becomes dirty and no one will play there. We can barely see birds flying in the sky. The change of environment needs us to improve.


关于运动会 Sports Meeting满分英语作文

When autumn comes, our school will hold the sports meeting. I will be very excited about the big event. I like to play basketball, so I join the basketball team and fight for the class's honor. All the students cheer for their class and the atmosphere is so lively. As we are young, we feel the great energy and enjoy the life.


关于我的抉择 The Choice I Make满分英语作文

As the winter holiday is almost ending, I need to finish a lot of homework. But every day my friends come to ask me out and I have no hesitation to play with them all the time. Now, I must control myself and finish my task first. So I start to refuse my friends’ invitation and focus on finishing my homework. I make the right choice.


对待动物 Treating Animal满分英语作文

Nowadays, people like to keep pets to company them. These lovely pets are always treated well. They are one of the family members. But sometimes the owner don’t want to raise them anymore, the animals are abandoned. It is the owner’s duty to deal with the animals well. If they can’t take care this lovely animals they can give to someone else.


关于我学到了什么 What I Have Learned满分英语作文

Last week, my mother had to visit my grandparents for two days, so she asked me to stay at home alone and took care of myself. I was very happy to promise her to take care of everything. I finally could live alone. So I slept very late and played computer games for a long time, when I felt hungry, I ordered the deliver food. When my mother came back, she was shocked that the house was in a mess. I knew that I couldn't take care of myself.


自由的生活 The Free Life满分英语作文

Most children don’t like to go to school, and they just want to enjoy freedom and hang out for fun all the time. But when I see some kids studying so hard and their special skills help them to win applause, I realize that I need to learn some skills so as to win more freedom in the future.


作文题为早睡 Sleep Early满分英语作文

Recently, I feel tired in the class, because I can’t help playing a new computer game at night. I sleep very late. As a result, I can’t focus my mind on study. I feel really bad and decide to stop sleeping so late. I stop playing the computer game and have enough sleep. Now I feel so good.

