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打乒乓球 Playing Ping-pong精选英语作文

你一定是为了小学英语作文而来,提高自己写作能力关键在于累计写作材料。也希望自己写作文时文不加点?《打乒乓球 Playing Ping-pong精选英语作文》这篇文章应该会给你一个满意的答案!

My grandfather likes to play Ping-pong so much. He will play it for an hour everyday. Sometimes he asks me to play with him, and I refuse because I want to play computer games. But recently I want to experience this sport, so I practice it with my grandfather. I find that I fall in love with Ping-pong. It makes me feel the energy.



以小见大 From Small to Big精选英语作文

I am a lazy girl. When my parents ask me to do small things, I will tell them to ignore them, because I think it wastes time, only the big thing deserves me to take action. As I grow up, I realize that the behavior is cultivated by small issues. If I refuse to do the small thing, how can I be a strong girl?


爱 About Love精选英语范文

Recently, I saw an interesting commercial ad. The celebrities asked people the question what would you do for love. I thought of this question for a while and my parents lingered on my mind. I wanted to help them share the housework, so they could be much easier. I also wanted to get progress on my study, so that my parents would be very happy.



