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一封信 A Letter英语范文

万事开头难,小学英语作文亦是如此,提高自己写作能力关键在于累计写作材料。写作文的你还是无从下笔?这篇一封信 A Letter英语范文能在学习的道路助你一臂之力,更多精选作文请关注执笔文学网

Today, I receive a letter from a good friend. She lives in another city. Though we don’t see each other often, we keep in touch all the time. As we have so many things in common, we share our secrets in the letter. Every time I get a letter from her, I feel so excited. She always tells me some funny things.



黑人 Black People英语范文

As a small child, I get used to think there is only yellow skin people in the world, but I realize there are also white skin and black skin people in another side of the world later. Once I saw a black person. At first, I felt scared, but he was very nice and helped me solve my problem. Then I know we can't deny a person by his skin color.


有关一位坚强的男孩 A Strong Boy英语范文

Recently, the news reported a small boy was studying while he helped his mother to sell the products. Many people gave him great praise, because he could focus his attention, but their children always wanted to play. This boy is such strong that he must make a difference in the future. His mother is so lucky to have a boy like him.


关于成长 Grow Up英语范文

As a small child, I always want to grow up soon, so that I can be a strong person and make my own decision. But now I realize that being an adult means taking more responsibility and facing more pressure. So for me, there is no need to grow up soon. I should enjoy every stage of my life.


关于读书 Reading Books英语范文

Since I go to school, I learn so many words. It opens the gate for me to know more about the world. I can read many books, such as the novel and travel books. They are my favorite types. I can broaden my vision and learn the diversity of the world. I must study hard and read more books, so that I can explore the world.

