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关于冬天来了 Winter is Coming英语作文

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Two days ago, the weather forecast predicted that the cold wind would blow and today, early in the morning, I felt the chillness. The weather changes so quickly that it is very cold in the afternoon. I started to feel sleepy in the class, but I tell myself to keep focus. Winter is not the excuse to loosen attention.



有关寒假 Winter Vacation小学英语作文

When winter vacation comes, I feel so excited, because it means I will have a month to play with my friends. What's more, the most exciting thing is to spend the New Year with my families. It is the biggest festival for Chinese people and we will prepare it for a long time. I always have good memories about winter vacation.


关于挫折 Setback 英语作文

As the saying that nobody's life goes on well all the time, so we will meet some difficulties sometimes. When we meet the setback, we are easy to feel lost. We have to face the hard time and learn from the experience, so that we will grow up. If we never give up, we can realize our dreams someday.

