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好学生的定义 What Is a Good Student优秀英语作文

你一定是为了初中英语作文而来,写作能力的培养十分重要。行如流水的作文是怎样写出来的?下面是小编为大家推荐这篇名为《好学生的定义 What Is a Good Student优秀英语作文》的文章,希望是大家的不无小补!

Every teacher likes the top students who can always get the high mark in the exam. So it is natural for people to believe that a good student must be good at the exam. In my opinion, the definition of a good student should not be the one who has the high intelligence. For most students, they are not in the top list, but they study very hard and fight for their goals. The spirit of never give up makes them the charming persons. We don't need the study machine. People always attach the importance of diversity, which means students have different abilities, so we can't judge them by one rule.



我的好朋友 My Good Friend精选优秀英语作文

I like to make friends. Thus, coming to the new environment, I am so eager to meet cool people here and be friends with them. Li Mei is my good friend, she is a really nice and cool girl. The first time I met her, she was having argument with others, because a young man did the rude things to the old man. She blamed the young man for not apologizing to the old person. I admired her courage and made friends with her. I found she could give the creative idea about hot issues. Her difference makes her stand out. I cherish our friendship.


2023最新英语作文电影带给我们什么 What Movies Bring to Us

Reading books is not favored by some children, because they will think about the moment of sitting in the classroom and feeling sleepy. But watching movies is a good way to take relax. Some parents think watching too many movies is a waste of time. In my opinion, watching movies helps students to gain knowledge. They can learn the newest information, such as the popular style and the famous stars. Knowing these information is useful in communicating, which helps them to make friends. The most important thing is culture. Children can learn the culture in a vivid way. They can broaden the vision and enrich their minds. Good movies are perfect teachers.


友情 About Friendship优秀英语作文

Since I came to middle school, I have made many friends and the lucky thing is that I meet my best friend. Her name is Lucy, we are in the same class. The first day I came to the class, I was so shy to meet the strange faces, then a girl asked me to sit down with her. We talked happily and she introduced other classmates to me. Lucy is a very nice girl. When I am in trouble, she will help me to solve it. I am so thankful to her, so I try to be a strong girl to return her. When she meets trouble, I will help her without hesitation. Friendship makes me stronger.


关于我的英语老师 My English Teacher优秀英语作文

English is the necessary subject to learn. Since I went to school, I have to learn it. But I am not interested in it because I can't find how useful it is. Two months ago, there was a new English teacher taught us, I realized that her teaching method was very different. Before the lesson, she would let us to listen to the English songs, or sometimes we needed to do role play. It was so funny for us. We were very interested in the songs. Sometimes we could enjoy the movie, which just opened my eyes. I saw a different world. I wanted to learn English well and then search the world.


作文题为学习英语的方法 The Way to Learn English 优秀英语作文

English is the International language. Many parents have realized the importance of learning English, so when their kids are very small, they have hired tutors to teach their children this international language. As the lack of language context, many students complain about the difficulty in learning it. Many foreigners have given their opinions to master another language, which is to speak out loudly and never be afraid of making mistakes. Even in the western countries, the local people don't care much about the grammars. There are some mistakes in the verbal communication. But people can understand each other, so there is no need to care so much about the mistakes.


未来的学校 The Future School优秀英语作文

Today, with the development of economy, more and more children receive high education. The government has put forward the policy to let children get free education until they go to college. It is a good trend that more kids have the chance to improve themselves, because education decides a person's personality and future career. In the future, the school will pay more attention to the students' ability and their talents, so more class will be opened to them. They can choose the class that they are interested in. This will happen since middle school, and students learn knowledge with less pressure. They can enjoy the class.


关于亲情 About Kinship优秀英语作文

I was born in a big family. There are five people in my family and I have two sisters. What’s more, my father has three brothers and sisters, so when the family gets reunion, and the whole families come to have dinner, it looks like a big party. What a harmonious atmosphere. We pay special attention to keep the kinship, so we will have the big dinner at least twice a month. The big family makes me feel love all the time, and we care for each other. When we have problems, other relatives will give their hands. I am so proud of my big family, it makes me stronger.

