作文 > 英语作文 > 小学英语作文 > 导航 > 作文题为伟人的人生 The Great Persons' Live英语作文

作文题为伟人的人生 The Great Persons' Live英语作文

作文对于学生来是说一定是家常便饭了,优秀的作文当中一定能找令自己满意的素材。百里挑一的作文是如何写作的?《作文题为伟人的人生 The Great Persons' Live英语作文》这篇文章应该会给你一个满意的答案!

When I read the news, I am always inspired by the famous great persons, such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Their stories of life guide the young people how to get successful. They tell us to do what we like and the most important thing is to keep moving on, no matter what kind of difficulty we meet.



作文题为惊喜 Surprise英语作文

Today, when I walk into the classroom, my deskmate brings me to a corner, then I see another three classmates are waiting there for me. As I get near them, they take out presents and say happy birthday to me. I feel so surprised and so touched. They remember my big day. They are my best friends.


作文题为风景 About the Scenery满分英语作文

I like to travel so much, because I can see different scenery. Many years ago, my parents took me to visit my uncle, who lived in another city. It was the first time for me to visit another place. I was attracted by the different features and scenery. I realized that the world was so big, I should study hard, so I could explore the world.


作文题为早睡 Sleep Early满分英语作文

Recently, I feel tired in the class, because I can’t help playing a new computer game at night. I sleep very late. As a result, I can’t focus my mind on study. I feel really bad and decide to stop sleeping so late. I stop playing the computer game and have enough sleep. Now I feel so good.


作文题为分享教育 The Share Education 英语范文

I have a brother. He is younger than me. When our parents have bought us presents, I will be the first to take presents, or if there is something to eat, I will make the choice before my brother. My mother educates me that I should share things with my brother. Until then I realize the meaning of sharing.

