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2023最新ldquo;一带一路rdquo;政策 The Policy of Road and Belt英语范文

每个人写作文都有思绪万千的时候,你肯定为了充实自己作文素材库而来!那么怎么写出笔酣墨饱的作文呢?阅完执笔作文网的《2023最新ldquo;一带一路rdquo;政策 The Policy of Road and Belt英语范文》你一定能学到许多!

There is no doubt that Road and Belt is the hottest issue recently. The media report the news all the time and we feel the power when we see our government holding the meetings. A lot of countries have joined the team and made this policy effective. Road and Belt brings great chances to China and other countries. Chinese government plays the important role, which shows its increasing power in the current situation. Since the 1990s, Chinese economy increased and opened the new chapter every ten years. The world sense the great market potential and many foreign companies come to China to seek for cooperation. Road and Belt opens the door for both sides, which is a win-win situation. In the future, China will become the first economy, which has been predicted by the experts. We are lucky to witness the change.



2023最新英语范文为自己穿衣 Dress For Yourself

Recently, a hot dressing style has sparked a serious debates on getting married easily style. People compare the different dressing styles of girls and come to the conclusion that what girls should dress to attract more attention. It is believed that the girls dress in cute style will be favored by most men and get married soon. Some women criticize the dressing opinion and they emphasize that they only dress for themselves instead of pleasing men. Women’s dressing style is a beautiful scenery, no matter where we go. But it is the women’s right to make their own choice. They can dress as they like and make themselves look confident. It is rude to define women by their dressing style and they don't need to please anyone.


2023最新满分英语作文未来 About the Future

I have studied for so many years. I believe that going to college can open the new chapter of my life. Now the future is so close to me. I will go to college in six months, so I focus all my attention and fight for my future. When my classmates and I talked about future, I told them that I wanted to be a teacher. On the one hand, I could pass the knowledge to the students, making contribution to the society and found my value. On the other hand, I could enjoy the long vacation to explore the world. When I was very small, I read a lot of travel books. I always wanted to travel around the world and broaden my vision. So even I would become a college student, I still needed to study hard.

