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关于小木船 The Little Wooden Boat 满分英语作文

你一定是为了初中英语作文而来,优秀的作文当中一定能找令自己满意的素材。也希望自己写做的作文言简意赅?执笔作文网的一篇《关于小木船 The Little Wooden Boat 满分英语作文》应该能帮助到你!

Before I go to middle school, I stayed in the hometown with my grandparents, and I had a good time there. My hometown was a small village. The scenery was very beautiful. There were green trees and clean water around. A small river was near my house. I liked to play games with my friends. Sometimes we caught fish, but we liked to stay in the little wooden boat most. It was a wasted boat and was fixed in the river side. Many kids would play in the boat. We imagined ourselves as the pirates, sailing in the big sea and searching for the treasures. We had a good time to play in the wooden boat.



有关一个小测试 A Small Test满分英语作文

A guy from America made a small test in the street. He wanted to see how people reacted when they saw someone was bullied. The test showed that more than 90 percent of people would help the weak guy and criticized the one who bullied the others. I was so moved by the people who gave their hands. The weak guy pretended to be a nerd, and did something looking so stupid. But everyone argued for him that he was doing the great thing and looked so cool. We should not judge people because of their difference. Everyone is special and they can do anything if they haven't bothered others.


关于慈善作秀 Charity For Show 满分英语作文

Nowadays, with the development of mass media, more privacy of the public images have been exposed. Once the legend is faded away, some celebrities try to do the charity work to save their image. So the public criticizes the charity work as the show and they refuse to support the activity. Actually, the purpose of charity activity is to catch more people's attention so that more money can be raised and more poor people can receive help. Even though some people do the charity for show, more people know about the organization. Just ignore the show, caring more about the people in need, then the purpose of charity activity has accomplished.


关于噪音的危害 Danger of Noise满分英语作文

Recently, there is a new tower being built near my house. As to make the tower finished quickly, the workers work for a long time and the residents have been annoyed by the noise. According to the research, if people live with noise for a long period, their health will be damaged badly. For example, the ability of hearing will decreased and some people even feel dizzy and want to puke. We need to live in a quiet environment. Proper sleep can ensure people the energy to do their work. If the company overworks, the residents charge them or negotiate with the boss, so as to control the noise.

