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关于我爱骑自行车 I Love Riding Bike满分英语作文

你肯定有写初中英语作文的时候,到这里来的目的一定是想提升自己的学习。也希望自己写作文时文不加点?《关于我爱骑自行车 I Love Riding Bike满分英语作文》这篇文章应该会给你一个满意的答案!

Many years ago, bike was very popular among teenagers, but as the development of economy, few kids ride bike and most of them are driven to school by their parents. Recently, as the Ofo comes into the market, which reminds of people the simple lifestyle. A lot of people ride these yellow bikes on the street. What a beautiful picture. I love riding bike so much. It is such leisure. I can do the exercise, at the same time, I can appreciate the scenery. Sometimes riding bike makes me feel like in the movie, enjoying the leisure lifestyle as the heroine. No matter how the world changes, I think bike will be part of my life.



作文题为父母的爱 Love From Parents英语作文

I was born in an ordinary family. Though my parents won’t buy me all the things I want, I know they love me. Every day, when I come home after school, my mother is always waiting for me with delicious food. The home-made food makes me feel warm. It is my mother’s love. She cooks for me. My father always brings me present when he come back after business trip. When I get this small things, I feel so lucky to be his daughter, because he remembers me no matter where he goes. My parents cares about me in the small details. It is the best love they give me.


关于我的舞台 My Stage 满分英语作文

I was a shy girl and I never dared to make performance in the public, but everything will have the exception. Last week, our English teacher gave us a job. All students needed to make performance in group. I was chosen to be the protagonist in my team. At first, I told them that I couldn’t make it, but they believed that I was the suitable person. So I practised hard and tried to get over my fear. It was my stage. I stood in front of my classmates. With my teammates, I finished my job. I felt so cool and dared to face so many people.


关于我的旅游计划 My travel plan满分英语作文

Winter holiday is coming. It's in December or January.I have a plan for it. I am going to Canada during this winter holiday. I will go there by plane with my parents and friends. I am going to stay with my aunt and uncle. There will be snow everywhere. We can make snowmen there. We're going to go skiing, ice-skating and have some Canadian food. We are going to visit the Niagara Falls. It's a famous waterfall in Canada. We will also take some photos of it. I hope we can have a grate time in Canada!





以爱 Love为题的作文

The theme of love is always around people. It is the power to help people to move on, so when we meet difficulty, love from our families and friends can help us to get over it. Love for animals and nature are easy to be ignored by us. The news reported some people abandoned their pets or killed animals, which was such brutal. What's more, look at the environment we live today. It has been polluted badly. Nature punished human being by all kinds of natural disasters, so protecting animals and environment is loving ourselves. When we get along with animals and nature, the world will become better.


作文题为我追求的偶像 The Idol I Follow满分英语作文

Like every child, I will chase idol. For a small girl like me, I am very easy to be attracted by handsome faces. The idol I follow is also the handsome young guy. But as I grow up, the standard of idol has changed for me. Pretty appearance is no longer the only thing that attracts me. I pay special attention to the person's talent and attitude. Some people are good looking but the media exposes his rude manner to fans and bad lifestyle, then I think even the perfect appearance can't save his image in my heart. Beautiful soul decides whether the person is a good idol.


关于假如我是明星 If I Were a Star优秀英语作文

Every child has an idol in their heart. They chase the famous star and dream to be part of them. Look at those idols, they are young and beautiful, and the most important thing is that they are favored by a lot of fans, so I dream to be a star. If I were a star, first, I could make a lot of money. With these money, I could make my parents have a better life and return their love. The most exciting thing is to have a lot of fans. They will support me all the time. I also could see my talents and feel so proud of myself. But being a star means lacking of time to company our families.

