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作文题为当我让父母失望 When I Disappoint My Parents英语范文

初中英语作文的写作能力是语文学习中的重要组成部分,写作能力的培养十分重要。行如流水的作文是怎样写出来的?以下是小编为您整理出来的{作文题为当我让父母失望 When I Disappoint My Parents英语范文},供大家学习与参考,执笔作文网的内容希望能帮助到你!

Since I went to school, I always want to do the best and make my parents be proud of me. But I meet difficulties in middle school. There are so many subjects for me to learn, and I feel great pressure, especially the subject like geography that is my weakness. For the first time, I feel that I may let my parents down. So I talked to them and wished them to know the truth. I would not always be the excellent kid. My mother laughed and she said that they did not care my score, and all they wanted me to do was to learn with happiness. Since then, I relieved my pressure and have no worries.



作文题为父母的爱 Love From Parents英语作文

I was born in an ordinary family. Though my parents won’t buy me all the things I want, I know they love me. Every day, when I come home after school, my mother is always waiting for me with delicious food. The home-made food makes me feel warm. It is my mother’s love. She cooks for me. My father always brings me present when he come back after business trip. When I get this small things, I feel so lucky to be his daughter, because he remembers me no matter where he goes. My parents cares about me in the small details. It is the best love they give me.


2023最新优秀英语作文当我长大后 When I Grow Up

How time flies! Now I am 19 years old. I won't cry when I leave home for a very far city to study. But tonight I'm very unhappy, because I miss my parents so much. As time goes, we have a little time to stay with our family. We only do our own things, just like, playing games, watching TV, playing mobile phone and so on. We don't talk with each others. The old are very lonely and the young are very love to play iPad, which is unhealthy. So, when we group, please don't forget our parents, because we won't exist without them.





作文题为当期末来临 When the Semester Ends英语作文

Every time when the semester ends, we will be very nervous, because we want to do well in the exam, just to see the result of hard working in the past four months. When thinking about the exams, I can't sleep well, because I want to do it well and are so afraid of failing the exam. I don't want to disappoint my parents. But my parents don't want to put so much pressure on me, and they just want me to do my best and learn as much as I can. They don't care much about the result. I am so lucky to be a happy child. I learn that it is important to have the positive attitude to life.


作文题为我的家乡 My Hometown英语范文

Before I go to middle school, I live with my grandparents in the hometown. It is the most beautiful place for me in the world. The environment is so clean. There are so many trees around me and the water is so clean that I can even see fish swimming. Sometimes I will go boating with my friends in the small river. I enjoy the birds singing in the mountain. There will be some special festivals as the traditional culture. Then people in the village will prepare some shows and sometimes a huge parade will be held. The kids will join the parade happily. I love my hometown and no matter where I go, it is always on my mind.


作文题为我想要的生活 The Life I Want英语作文

I like to read travel books so much. I can see the world from these books and they will broaden my vision. I am so attracted by the variety of the world. The amazing nature leaves human being some magical sites, so I have made up my mind that someday I must take a visit to these beautiful scenery. This is the life I want. I must study hard to realize it. As the saying that no pain, no gain, I totally understand the price I need to take. When I meet difficulty, I need to keep moving on and face it bravely. The courage I gain will be the great advantages for me.


2023最新英语范文父母的错 Parents' Fault

Jack is in middle school now. As his parents are busy with their business, so Jack often makes mistakes. Jack's teacher has talked to his parents many times, but they thought it was the school's duty to educate their children. This is a very classic example. Many parents avoid the responsibility to educate their children. Actually, they are the first educators in raising children. Family education comes first. No matter how busy parents are, they should spare some time and play with their kids. The missing of play time will have great negative effect on their children. Some kids make mistakes just to catch the elder's attention. So parents should set the good example for the children.


作文题为我的书包 My Schoolbag优秀英语作文

The first day I went to school, my parents bought me a schoolbag as a special present. They knew I liked spider man, so they went to many shops and finally bought me my favorite cartoon character schoolbag. Now I am in middle school and need to change another schoolbag, but I still keep my spider man schoolbag, because it reminds me of my parents' love. I put it in the corner of my bedroom, so I can see it every day and have the motivation to keep moving on. I am so thankful to my parents, for they care about me all the time, so I must study hard to return them.


作文题为我追求的偶像 The Idol I Follow满分英语作文

Like every child, I will chase idol. For a small girl like me, I am very easy to be attracted by handsome faces. The idol I follow is also the handsome young guy. But as I grow up, the standard of idol has changed for me. Pretty appearance is no longer the only thing that attracts me. I pay special attention to the person's talent and attitude. Some people are good looking but the media exposes his rude manner to fans and bad lifestyle, then I think even the perfect appearance can't save his image in my heart. Beautiful soul decides whether the person is a good idol.


作文题为我的老师 My Teacher满分英语作文

The first day when I started my middle school life, I felt so lonely, because I didn’t know anyone who was around me. My teacher Miss Li was like our parent, and she arranged everything for us. The first lesson she gave was to let us introduce each other, soon we became familiar with each other. Miss Li was very good at telling jokes. She made the atmosphere so lively and funny. We laughed out loudly. I was no longer feeling lonely and made many friends. Miss Li is favored by everyone. She is such a nice teacher. I am so lucky to be one of her students.

