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下雨天 The Raining Day精选英语作文

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Summer is so hot. It hasn’t rained for more than one month and the air is so stuffy. But today, the rain finally comes. I am so happy when I see the dark cloud. It is so cool, when wind blows. The wind blow my face. When rain stops, I go out of the house and breathe the fresh air. What a comfortable day.



有关紧张的一天 A Nervous Day英语作文

Today, I woke up early in the morning and I felt so nervous, because I needed to take part in the final exams. I went over my books for many times and slept very late. I would take the Chinese exam in the morning and the math in the afternoon. Getting a good mark means more pocket money.


作文题为六一儿童节 Children's Day 优秀英语作文

Today is Children's Day. Early in the morning, I feel so excited, because I know the teachers have prepared some surprised for us. We don't have class and all we do is to enjoy the games. I play Ping Pong game and win many awards. I like the riddle so much. When I get the answer, I feel so proud of myself.


2023最新小学英语作文快乐的一天 An Happy Day

Today, our teacher Mrs. Li takes us to have outside activity, and we feel so excited. We go to the museum and take a visit of the historical relics. Mrs. Li explains for us about our country's history. I learn a lot knowledge and feel so lucky to born in this this age. It is a happy day for me.

