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作文题为最好的水果 Best Fruit小学英语作文

小学英语作文是我们学习中的一大重点,细观察与多阅读能提高自己的作文水平。优秀的作文究竟是怎样抒写的?这篇作文题为最好的水果 Best Fruit小学英语作文能在学习的道路助你一臂之力,更多精选作文请关注执笔文学网

As the saying that an apple a day, keeps the doctor away, so apple is good for our health. My mother always puts apple on the table, but I don't eat it a lot. Now I realize the nutrition of apple, so I start to eat an apple every day. It keeps me healthy. I can get enough nutrition, which is the best fruit.



作文题为最好的状态 The Best Situation满分英语作文

I live with my parents in the hometown, which is such a beautiful place for me. Every day, I go to school with my friends. We talk so happily on the road. After school, we go to the playground and play funny games. I live the happy life and my childhood is simple, but it is the best situation for me.


2023最新小学英语作文最好的状态 The Best Situation

Though I live in an ordinary family, I am so proud of the things I have. Every night, my father will talk to me before I sleep. I share everything happened at school and he is willing to hear. My mother is good at making delicious food, so I am so looking forward to tasting her food. The life I living is my best situation.


以最好的年华 The Best Age为题的作文

In the Chinese lesson, I need to recite many old poems, which is very difficult for the elder to do it, but it is so easy to me. As I am young and full of energy, I can finish the job quickly. In the best age, I want to read more books to enrich my life. The more I can recite, the more I can remember.


作文题为可爱的熊猫 Lovely Panda小学英语作文

The first time I see panda, I think it is the loveliest animal in the world. It has two black eyes and a round body. In the zoo, they eat bamboo and sleep most of the time. But the panda keepers tell us that panda is dying out. I feel so sad, and I want to do something for them. So it is important to protect the environment.


作文题为惊喜 Surprise英语作文

Today, when I walk into the classroom, my deskmate brings me to a corner, then I see another three classmates are waiting there for me. As I get near them, they take out presents and say happy birthday to me. I feel so surprised and so touched. They remember my big day. They are my best friends.


作文题为跳蚤市场 Flea Market小学英语作文

There is a flea market near my house. When weekend comes, there will be a lot of people gathering there and they look for something funny. I like the flea market so much, because I can find a lot of new and interesting things. I have collected many things. When my friends come to my home, I will show these things to them.


作文题为植树节 Trees Planting Day小学英语作文

Every year, on March 12th, our school will have the special activity. We need to plant trees in the campus. We are so excited to see trees growing every day. The tree I planted last year now is very tall. I am so proud to see its growth. I have made a contribution to bringing the world green and protecting the environment.


作文题为我选择的路 The Road I Take小学英语作文

There is a famous poem about the decision of taking the road. It tells us once we make our choice, we can’t regret. So I am very careful about the choice, such as hang out with my friends, I should finish the homework first or before sleep. I always choose to finish it ahead, because I don’t want to have pressure. The choice I make helps me to be a strong person.


有关最美好的时刻 The Best Moment 英语作文

Today is my birthday. Early in the morning, I get many wishes from my classmates. After class, I ask many of my friends to come to my house to celebrate my big day. My parents prepare a nice party for me. I can play many games with my friends. We sing songs together. At this best moment, I have so many people who love me around.


作文题为风景 About the Scenery满分英语作文

I like to travel so much, because I can see different scenery. Many years ago, my parents took me to visit my uncle, who lived in another city. It was the first time for me to visit another place. I was attracted by the different features and scenery. I realized that the world was so big, I should study hard, so I could explore the world.

