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自信 Confidence精选英语作文

初中英语作文的写作能力是语文学习中的重要组成部分,优秀的作文当中一定能找令自己满意的素材。考试中的你面对作文还在手足无措?下面是小编为大家推荐这篇名为《自信 Confidence精选英语作文》的文章,希望是大家的不无小补!

It is true that no one can goes on well all the time. We will meet some difficulties now and then. The one who runs away from the test may be a loser and the one who has the courage to face the challenge may make breakthrough. It is important to have confidence, and never to be afraid of meeting difficulty. When it comes, we should not run away. Regardless of the result, we will gain precious experience and become stronger. My parents stand by my side all the time, and they give me the confidence to fight. I am so thankful for them. They give me the confidence, which is the very important thing in my life.



春节 Spring Festival精选英语范文

In China, Spring Festival is the biggest day. People will come back home and enjoy spending some time with their families. So no matter how far they are, they will figure out all the ways to come back home and get reunited. The house cleaning work before the coming of this big day always brings me the happy memory. We can find something lost a long time ago in the corner. It is like the surprise and makes me feel so excited. On the New Year’s Eve, all of my families will sit together and enjoy the real big meal. We share our happiness and the future expectation. What a nice moment.


手机时代 The Age of Cellphone精选英语作文

Many years ago, when the first computer came into being, many people predicted the age of computer has come. Now only two decades passed, here comes the new age of cellphone. Let's look at how people depend on the phone. They use cellphone to work and to communicate with families and friends. With the development of technology, online payment is popular and people just need a cellphone to pay all the bills. How convenient it is. We are lucky to live in the age of technology. But at the same time, if we don't control ourselves, we will lose in the technology world, such as some children overuse cellphone and learn nothing at all.


幸福 About Happiness精选初中英语作文

The definition of happiness always causes the public’s attention. Some people believe that making a lot of money and earning great reputation are the standard to define success, while some people think that spending more time with their families deserves all the things and it is their bliss. In my opinion, the meaning of happiness varies according to different people, but there is one thing in common, which is their positive attitude to life. I am so lucky to born in a happy family, and my parents give me all their love. Though we are ordinary, I am so satisfy with my life now. I cherish the thing I have.

