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教英文Teaching English精选英语范文

相信英语作文大家都不陌生吧,我们的身边其实有很多优质的英语作文可供学习和欣赏,坚持写作文可以提高我们的文笔和丰富内心情感,多阅读一些好的作品可以提高我们的写作水平,优秀的英语作文是什么样子的呢?小编特地为你收集整理“教英文Teaching English精选英语范文”,为防遗忘,建议你收藏本页!



当英语不再是必学科目 When English Is No Longer the Necessary Subject精选英语范文

English has been many students' nightmare, because they has to study it since they go to school. The students complain that they learn English because they want to get the high marks and then attend the better college. So when I hear that some people suggest to cancel English as the necessary subject, I think a lot of people would be happy. While the fact turns out to be wrong. Those people who have been working attached the importance of mastering English, because most jobs require the language skill. The rejection of learning English will differentiate people from the group. The rich born kids learn better English while the poor kids lose the chance to communicate with the world. The wise person knows that English is the key to know more about the world, so we should embrace the chance to learn.


以中式英语 Chinese English为题的作文

China has the largest population in the world and English is the international language. There are a lot of funny things when Chinese people learn English. They will mix the words with their own language. Some very classic words have been created. Such as the sentence long time no see, it is the most classic words that were spoken by Chinese. Actually, the local people won’t say these words but they know the meaning. As these classic sentences are spoken by more and more Chinese people then the western people accept them. Today, more Chinese English have been admitted by the official dictionary. We can see the great influence from big country. As China is getting stronger, we are so proud of being part of it. Of course, to master the international language is the key to know more about the world.

中国是世界上人口最多的国家,而英语则是国际语言。中国人在学习英语的时,会有很多有时候会发生很多有趣的事情,他们会把英语与自己的母语混淆。一些非常经典的词就这样被创造出来了。如句子“long time no see”,这是最经典的中式表达。实际上,当地人不会这样说的,但他们也能理解这句话的意思。随着越来越多的中国人使用这些经典语句,西方人也就接受了这些句子。今天,更多的中式英语已经被官方词典收录了。我们可以看到大国的巨大影响力。随着中国的越来越强大,我们为成为其中的一员而感到自豪。当然,掌握国际语言是了解世界的关键。

关于我的英语老师 My English Teacher优秀英语作文

English is the necessary subject to learn. Since I went to school, I have to learn it. But I am not interested in it because I can't find how useful it is. Two months ago, there was a new English teacher taught us, I realized that her teaching method was very different. Before the lesson, she would let us to listen to the English songs, or sometimes we needed to do role play. It was so funny for us. We were very interested in the songs. Sometimes we could enjoy the movie, which just opened my eyes. I saw a different world. I wanted to learn English well and then search the world.


学习英语的方法 The Ways to Learn English 初中英语作文

It is known to all that English is the international language. In China, English is the necessary subject for students to learn. A lot of students complain that it is so hard to master the foreign language. While for me, I am the lucky guy, because I find my ways to learn it with fun. Listening to the songs and watching movies develops my interest. I want to see more about the world and learn about the culture, so only speaking English can bring me this chance. What's more, I spend some time to write down some local saying when I watch movies. I practice it until I get familiar. Let's learn English with passion.


有关我的外教 My Foreign Teacher英语作文

I love to learn English so much, because it is the important key to know about the world. As I have learned it since I was very small, so I have the strong desire to talk to the foreigners. My parents sent me to an English training center, where I could talk to the foreign teacher. I was so excited. When I saw her, I felt so nervous and had no idea what to say. She was very active and good at making me feel comfortable soon. We talked so happily and my English improved so much. I cherished the time to learn from her. She is my friend now.


作文题为学习英语的方法 The Way to Learn English 优秀英语作文

English is the International language. Many parents have realized the importance of learning English, so when their kids are very small, they have hired tutors to teach their children this international language. As the lack of language context, many students complain about the difficulty in learning it. Many foreigners have given their opinions to master another language, which is to speak out loudly and never be afraid of making mistakes. Even in the western countries, the local people don't care much about the grammars. There are some mistakes in the verbal communication. But people can understand each other, so there is no need to care so much about the mistakes.


how to learn english well作文参考范文

English is important in the modern world. It is spoken all over the world. But a few students don’t learn English well. So they want to drop English. I suggest that you shouldn’t give up English, because English is used in many countries as the first or second language. Most business letters are written in English. It is helpful for you to work in the future. If you don’t know English, you will fall behind others in future.How can you learn English well? First, you should persevere. It’s true that English is sometimes really very difficult for us. But if you have a good method of learning, I think you will be good at it. Both English listening and speaking are the most difficult for almost every beginner. Sometimes, it seems impossible to learn. But I think if you do a lot of practice, you will make progress, you should speak more and listen more often. You’d better speak English with your classmates as often as possible not only in class but also out of class. I advise you to buy a radio, so you can listen to some English programmes over the radio. Then you will travel in the world of English.If you do that, you’ll be able to learn English well easily, and you’ll like English very much.I hope all of you will become good at English step by step.

关于英语口语能力测试必要吗? Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?英语作文

College students have to attend the test of spoken English. Some people think that it's not necessary at all. I don't agree to it. A test of spoken English will be included as a component of a comprehensive English test. It's quite necessary.


Firstly, with the deepening of reform and opening up, our exchanges with foreigners will increase rapidly. Face-to-face talks with foreigners are becoming more and more frequent. Therefore, our society will badly needs people who possess the comprehensive ability to English, spoken ability included. However, the fact is that the students who have a good command of English can not express themselves very well. So it's a good way to urge them to pay more attention to practice and improve their spoken English. Secondly, people who can speak English fluently will have a better chance of obtaining a better job. Last, good spoken English will open a wider window to your life. Therefore, such a test is really a necessity.


From thediscussion above, I am undoubtedly for the test because college students will benefit a lot from this kind of test and theiroutstanding verbal ability. Students should try their best to improve their spoken English, not only for the test, but for their future.



Since we went to school, we have been educated to be polite, no matter to the young or old people. People follow the manner rules and have a nice communication between each other, but some people ignore the rules and they treat their rude behaviors as something cool. Today, people advocate the individuality, so the young generation wants to do something different and catch people's attention. For example, they don't care other people's feeling and criticize others as they like, or just interrupt when other people is talking, they just show what they want to say and they believe they are special and cool. This is very rude behavior that they don't respect others and have the wrong idea about individuality. We can do something special on the base of respect others and follow the rules, or we are just the rude people.自从我们上学起,就受到教育无论对年轻人还是老年人都要有礼貌。人们遵守礼仪规则,彼此间有着良好的沟通方式,但有些人则无视规则,把自己粗鲁的行为当作是很酷的事情。如今,人们提倡个性,所以年轻一代想要做些与众不同的事来抓住人们的注意力。例如,他们不关心其他人的感受,批评别人,或在别人谈话时打断别人直接表明自己的想法,觉得自己很特别,很酷。这是非常粗鲁的行为,不尊重他人,对个性有着错误的认识。我们在尊重他人和遵守规则的前提下可以做一些特别事情,否则就只是粗鲁的人。
