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搬家Moving Day精选满分英语作文

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国际航海日 International Navigation Day满分英语作文

In the old time of China, the famous officer Zheng He was appointed to explore the new areas of the world by sailing a big ship. This was an important event in the history, he opened the new world for Chinese people and he was much earlier than other explorers. In order to in honor of the great movement of Zheng He, Chinese government agreed to revise the day March 17th as the International Navigation Day. Nowadays, the meaning of this day has gone much further, it gives applause to the international friendship between countries in the navigation. The countries desire to seek more cooperation in these sea areas and promote the economy together. China plays the important role in maintaining the peaceful sea environment, and the policemen deserve the biggest praise.


有关复活节 Easter Day满分英语作文

The Bible plays an important role in the world's culture, which influences people's life all the time, such as the Hollywood movies and people's faith. Jesus Christ is believed to be one of the greatest persons. The stories about his coming to the world and resurgence are always praised by the public. People named a day called Easter Day to in honor of his coming back after his death. The task of Jesus Christ is to save the public from all kind of pains and troubles, who is the spokesman of god, so when people see him, they feel hope. Today, a lot of people believe in Jesus. They keep the faith and behave themselves well. On the Easter Day, there will be a huge parade and people cheer for this big festival.


下雨天 The Raining Day精选英语作文

Summer is so hot. It hasn’t rained for more than one month and the air is so stuffy. But today, the rain finally comes. I am so happy when I see the dark cloud. It is so cool, when wind blows. The wind blow my face. When rain stops, I go out of the house and breathe the fresh air. What a comfortable day.

