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关于建议书 Proposal英语范文

每个人写作文都有思绪万千的时候,你一定希望自己写作的时候行如流水。也希望自己写做的作文言简意赅?看完执笔作文网《关于建议书 Proposal英语范文》想必你有所收获!

There is a street near my house. The traffic light there has broken for more than half a year and the local government hasn't sent anyone to fix. Every day, people go across the street among the cars. It is very dangerous. I read the news about a child wrote a letter to the government and the official replied, so I thought maybe I could have a try. I wrote a proposal, asking the officials to send some people to fix the traffic light for people’s safety. Then a week later, I was so surprised to see the traffic light worked. I was so happy. I don't know whether my proposal works, but I am so proud of myself.



关于声音 About Voice英语范文

Lily is a good girl. She always listens to her parents' words and she never makes her own choice, but as she becomes a middle school student, she realizes that she has grown up and wants to make her own decision. This is the very classic situation for most children who wants to be independent, but they dare not to say out their inner voice, because they are afraid of hurting their parents' feelings. In fact, we need to speak out our voice and let our parents realize we have grown up. They will be happy and let us make our own decision. We need to grow up sooner or later.


关于关爱贫困 Caring For the Poor英语范文

It’s known to all that Chinese economy developed very fast in the last decades and a lot of people have improved their life standard greatly. But it is the fact that still some people in the rural city living the hard life and they need the help from both government and the society. March 16th is the unified national day for people to help the poor. It reminds people to care for someone who is in poor situation. So people donate the daily things, such as books and clothes, even money. If everybody gives a hand to the poor people, then we can achieve prosperity together.


冬天 Winter英语范文

I live in the southern area of China, so the winter here is not as cold as other cities. I have never seen snow in my life, but from TV shows, I can see people playing in the snow. It seems very funny. I like warm weather. I can wear less clothes and go out to take part in some activities. Unlike the cold northern cities, where people trend to stay indoors because of the extreme cold weather. I can enjoy warm sunlight. What's more, I can put on many different styles of clothes and be attractive. In all, winter in southern cities is perfect for me.


关于暑假计划 A Plan For Summer Holiday英语范文

Now as the coming of June, which means the summer holiday is drawing near. I am so excited about the holiday. After studying for four months, finally I can take a break. I have made up some plans. First, I want to go back to my hometown. I miss the food and my friends. I also like the clean water and the blue sky. It is such a great time for me to stay in hometown. Second, I will travel with my parents. They will take me to the different places and let me look at the world. I gain a lot of knowledge and broaden my vision. I am so looking forward to my holiday.


关于中国的饮食 Chinese Cuisine英语范文

Before a foreigner comes to China, there are three things make up his first impression of China. They are Kongfu, Panda and Chinese food. Chinese cuisine is famous all around the world. When the foreigners have tasted it, they will speak highly of it. Compared to the American food, which is mainly the fast food, Chinese eating styles are different in zones and people can cook the food in various ways. Every style of cuisine surprises the western people. We pay special attention to the healthy diet. We are so proud of the history of more than 5000 years. It enriches our knowledge and makes this old country stronger.


关于大自然的美 The Beauty of Nature 英语范文

Many years ago, I lived in my hometown, which was a small countryside, but I loved everything there. I remembered that the sky was very blue and the river was so clean that I could see fish swimming. I was so close to nature and I enjoyed what the nature brought to us. But now, when I go back to my hometown find that the environment has been polluted badly. I can barely see birds flying in the sky. I miss the beautiful nature. It is such shameful for people to destroy the environment. It is everybody's duty to protect the environment. We can't live if we don't get along well with nature.


春节 Spring Festival精选英语范文

In China, Spring Festival is the biggest day. People will come back home and enjoy spending some time with their families. So no matter how far they are, they will figure out all the ways to come back home and get reunited. The house cleaning work before the coming of this big day always brings me the happy memory. We can find something lost a long time ago in the corner. It is like the surprise and makes me feel so excited. On the New Year’s Eve, all of my families will sit together and enjoy the real big meal. We share our happiness and the future expectation. What a nice moment.


关于我的压岁钱 My Lucky Money英语范文

Every year, when the new year is coming, I will be very happy, because I can receive lucky money from my relatives, so that I can have a lot of money and buy the things I want. My mother always saves part of my lucky money, she promises to return it back to me when I grow up. Thus, with the rest of the money, I will buy some books I like, such as the novel books. These books bring me a bigger world. I can explore the world and gain a lot of knowledge. Sometimes I will use these money to buy a lot of delicious food with my friends. We feel so happy to taste it.


手机的使用 The Use of Cellphone英语范文

When cellphone became popular many years ago, parents and school at first banned students to take cellphone into classroom, but now, even the small child has owned a cellphone. The use of cellphone can't be banned. For students, they get used to keeping cellphone at hand, but the overuse of it can be blamed to their parents. Some parents don't set good examples for their children. When they are together, they just leave cellphones to kids and let them kill the time. If they show the beautiful scenery around and teach kids to appreciate the world. Then cellphone won't take up their time.

