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以回报父母Return Parents为题的作文

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In Chinese culture, it is every child's duty to return their parents as they grow up. The children know their duty and they work hard to give parents a better life. As a child, I was grateful to my parents as they gave me all their love, so I made up my mind that I must earn a lot of money and then I could pay back my parents' money. But as I grew up, I realized that money was not that only way I could return my parents. What's more, my parents don't care about my money, and they just want to spend more time with me. When I grow up, I will move out and probably live far away from them. At that time, if I come home often, they will be happy. I think every parent just want care from their children.



以责任 Responsibility为题的作文

When I was very small, I always wanted to grow up soon, so that I can make money and make my own decision. My parents were in charge of my everything, so I thought the only way to get out of their supervision is to become an adult soon. But I was wrong. The sign of growing up is to take the responsibility of what you do instead of aging. Nowadays, many adults have been called Big Baby, which means they are old enough as an adult, but they can’t take charge of their life. Especially for the person who counts on parents so much. So I need to learn to be independent and solve the problem by myself. When my parents see my ability, they will be happy to let me go. I believe that every parent wants their kids to be strong.


以立夏 Beginning of Summer 为题的作文

When spring is over, the summer begins. Chinese ancestors found the regular rule and they treated the fifth or sixth of May as the Beginning of Summer. From that day, the weather will become hot and most people start to wash their winter clothes. Beginning of Summer is not an official day that will be celebrated by the public. It is just a sign to show the coming of hot weather, so as to let people pay attention to keep away from hot weather. The old people trend to make some food to keep their body from getting hot, while the young people don’t have much action, and they just get used to it, or when they feel bad, they will take a break. Our body changes with the weather, so we need to make some changes to stay healthy.



