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以冬天我最喜爱的食物 My Favorite Food in Winter为题的作文

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When winter comes, my family will always stay together and have hot pot, which is my favorite food in winter. Eating the hot pot makes me feel warm and I can add different types of food into the pot. According to the media, not only Chinese people like to eat hot pot, but also foreigners. Hot pot has been one of the classic Chinese cuisines and it catches the world to come to China and have a taste of it. Though I am not in favor of spicy food, hot pot is the exception. I like its spicy, which makes my body feel warm.



作文题为我最喜爱的动物 My Favorite Animal满分英语作文

When I was very small, I had watched a lot of cartoons, and Mickey Mouse was always my favorite character. When I went to the zoo and watched panda, I found Mickey Mouse and giant panda had something in common. Both of them had the lovely ears. Since then, I was so crazy about panda. It was the loveliest animal in the world. I liked to watch it eating bamboo or hanging in the trees. As the more information I get, I realize that panda is dying out, so it is in need of protecting the environment, so as to let these lovely creature live well in the wild.


以如何利用我的时间 How to Spend My Time为题的作文

As a middle school student, I have to learn many subjects. I want to keep up with other students, so I study very hard. Sometimes when the holiday comes, I still focus on my study. My friends ask me to have fun with them, and I refuse. Then I realize I am under great pressure all the time, even I can't sleep well. I start to change my schedule. Except for study, I spare some time to relax, such as play basketball with my friends or I will just leave myself doing nothing but enjoying music and movie. Study and play are both important part of my life. I connect them closely and live the happy life.


冬天 Winter英语范文

I live in the southern area of China, so the winter here is not as cold as other cities. I have never seen snow in my life, but from TV shows, I can see people playing in the snow. It seems very funny. I like warm weather. I can wear less clothes and go out to take part in some activities. Unlike the cold northern cities, where people trend to stay indoors because of the extreme cold weather. I can enjoy warm sunlight. What's more, I can put on many different styles of clothes and be attractive. In all, winter in southern cities is perfect for me.


以我的爸爸 My Father为题的作文

People always say that love from father is as strong as the mountain, which gives us the great strength to move on. In Chinese traditional role, father is described to be a quiet man but the way he loves you can be seen all the time, while love from western father are much obvious. There always hug and kiss between children and parents. My father is a classic quiet father. He doesn't talk much, but he will never miss any moment that is important for me. When I have performance in school, he must be one of the audience, no matter how busy he is. Before I sleep, he will help me check on my homework. I love my father.

