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You are where you are. Accept it and feel the power your acceptance gives you to move forward.


This moment is as it is. Accept its uniqueness and experience the freedom of not having to fight against it.


There are difficult challenges in your life. Accept them and feel the energy that will enable you to rise above them.


Accept that this is your starting point. Instead of placing judgements on it, see the real, positive value thats already yours. You cannot change where your past priorities* and choices have brought you. Yet you can make use of the wisdom youve earned to create a future that fulfils your most treasured dreams.


Lovingly and gratefully accept who youve been, what youve done, what you have and where you are. For you can now transform it all into what you most wish to be.



Dont allow your troubles to get the best of you. Instead, allow those troubles to make the best of you.


Dont tire yourself out fighting against the challenges. Instead, find new energy by embracing1 those challenges and working through them to create real value.


Always remind yourself that discour-agement is nothing more than a response youve chosen. When you find that youve chosen to let it be, you can just as surely choose to let it go.


Replace discouragement with determin-ation. It is your lifes energy, and you can point it in whatever direction you choose. Your most powerful response is not based only on what has already happened. Your most powerful response also takes into account what you wish to make happen next.


Look forward, and envision in great detail the future you desire. Then gather all your energy, and step forward to make it be.



Life is not about just getting by. Life is about reaching ever higher, building one achievement on top of another, and creating real, meaningful value in each moment.


A common stone on the ground does a great job of just getting by. You, on the other hand, are destined1 for much more spectacular things. Yes, indeed, you will certainly meet a number of challenges when you make the effort to raise your world even a little bit higher. The good thing is, you are superbly equipped to thrive on those challenges.


If life seems unsuccessful, its not because of the challenges or limitations that stand in your way. Its because you refuse to see the exceptional opportunities that those challenges represent.


This is your precious and unique life, and it is absolutely worth all the trouble and effort you must go through to make it great. Within you at this moment are beautiful dreams, and you can begin to live in the direction of those dreams whenever you choose.


Let go of the false security of just getting by, and get yourself into focus on a purpose that will bring your life gloriously to life. Your very own pathway to success is just one quick step away.



We Must Face FailureAs we all know, "Failure is the mother of success." But few people can really understand what the saying means.In the world, I am sure that no one dare say he hasnt met any trouble all his life. So we must face failure. In fact, failure is not fearful, but important thing is how to face it correctly. Facing failure, people will never take their fate lying down.They will try their best to work harder and harder until at last they succeed.Not being courageous to face setbacks, people have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success. So they have nothing to do but feel sad and empty all day and all night. In fact, they lose the chance of success themselves.My friend, whenever in trouble, please remember, "Failure is the mother of success.



In the 1920s, a man from England had finish climbing the Himalayas which was thought to the most difficult mountain to conquer. People spoke highly of him and asked him how he conquered the mountain. The man said calmly that he conquered nothing but himself. These words seem to be simple, but for me, they are meaningful. When we face the difficulties, we will give up because we think we cant do it. With that thought, we have given up so many chances to try. Life is a journey, if we stop keeping moving on, how can we see the coming scenery. It is obvious that the problem is ourselves, we are afraid of failure and refuse to try. If we get over this thought and have a try, then we are heading to the road of success. When we conquer ourselves, we are successful.



Be good to everyone who becomes attached to us; cherish every friend who is by our side;


love everyone who walks into our life.


It must be fate to get acquainted in a huge crowd of people…


I feel, the love that Osho talks about, maybe is a kind of pure love beyond the mundane world, which is full of divinity and caritas, and overflows with Buddhist allegorical words and gestures,


but, it seems that I cannot see through its true meaning forever…


Maybe, I do not just “absorb” your love; but because the love overpowers me and I am unable to

dispute and refuse it…


Do you know? It’s you who light up my life! And I stubbornly believe that such love can only be experienced once in my life.


Because of love, we won’t be lonely anymore; because of yearning, we taste more loneliness.



When we see the successful people, it is natural for us to feel jealous. We see their power and fame, wishing we can be one of them. But the fact is that who knows what these successful people have paied for. I remember the top swimmer Michael Phillips described his daily life. He said that he had to practise so hard, even on the Christmas Day, when other people were enjoying the family reunion, he was working hard on the swimming pool and making himself stronger. We always see the celebrities’ glory but always ignore their hard-working. They deserve the honor and people’s respect. If we want to be successful, we must work hard.






You are where you are. Accept it and feel the power your acceptance gives you to move forward.


This moment is as it is. Accept its uniqueness and experience the freedom of not having to fight against it.


There are difficult challenges in your life. Accept them and feel the energy that will enable you to rise above them.


Accept that this is your starting point. Instead of placing judgements on it, see the real, positive value thats already yours. You cannot change where your past priorities* and choices have brought you. Yet you can make use of the wisdom youve earned to create a future that fulfils your most treasured dreams.


Lovingly and gratefully accept who youve been, what youve done, what you have and where you are. For you can now transform it all into what you most wish to be.



Life is not about just getting by. Life is about reaching ever higher, building one achievement on top of another, and creating real, meaningful value in each moment.


A common stone on the ground does a great job of just getting by. You, on the other hand, are destined1 for much more spectacular things. Yes, indeed, you will certainly meet a number of challenges when you make the effort to raise your world even a little bit higher. The good thing is, you are superbly equipped to thrive on those challenges.


If life seems unsuccessful, its not because of the challenges or limitations that stand in your way. Its because you refuse to see the exceptional opportunities that those challenges represent.


This is your precious and unique life, and it is absolutely worth all the trouble and effort you must go through to make it great. Within you at this moment are beautiful dreams, and you can begin to live in the direction of those dreams whenever you choose.


Let go of the false security of just getting by, and get yourself into focus on a purpose that will bring your life gloriously to life. Your very own pathway to success is just one quick step away.



We Must Face FailureAs we all know, "Failure is the mother of success." But few people can really understand what the saying means.In the world, I am sure that no one dare say he hasnt met any trouble all his life. So we must face failure. In fact, failure is not fearful, but important thing is how to face it correctly. Facing failure, people will never take their fate lying down.They will try their best to work harder and harder until at last they succeed.Not being courageous to face setbacks, people have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success. So they have nothing to do but feel sad and empty all day and all night. In fact, they lose the chance of success themselves.My friend, whenever in trouble, please remember, "Failure is the mother of success.



In the 1920s, a man from England had finish climbing the Himalayas which was thought to the most difficult mountain to conquer. People spoke highly of him and asked him how he conquered the mountain. The man said calmly that he conquered nothing but himself. These words seem to be simple, but for me, they are meaningful. When we face the difficulties, we will give up because we think we cant do it. With that thought, we have given up so many chances to try. Life is a journey, if we stop keeping moving on, how can we see the coming scenery. It is obvious that the problem is ourselves, we are afraid of failure and refuse to try. If we get over this thought and have a try, then we are heading to the road of success. When we conquer ourselves, we are successful.









竞争使原有的和创造性的人。它十分必要的竞争,如果人类社会要进步。 (甚至动物的生存竞争。)没有它,我们会变得懒惰,没有人会耙任何责任。当三个和尚住在一起,就没有饮用水。这个中国谚语生动地崩溃。









